
Join My Team

Yay! You clicked on THIS tab....follow your instincts.....keep reading. I am assuming that you clicked here because you may have a small (or huge) interest in working from home. I am a stay at home mom with two small kids (and every other week a teenager) at home with me everyday. We are working really hard on getting out of debt and putting money towards our dream house and I wanted to contribute. This is perfect for me. I have tried other home-based businesses with no luck. I really wanted something that I could be proud of, something that I was passionate about and something that would actually help my family. Enter Shaklee. 

I joined with the Gold Plus package and got everything I needed to begin to Shaklee-ize our home. I get to decide when and how long I work. I almost always work during the kid's nap and I do some after they go to bed, while I am sitting on the couch! I love that I don't carry an inventory AND I don't have to make  deliveries. All I do is educate people on healthier, less expensive products that they already use every day! 

I am part of the fastest growing team in Shaklee. The great thing about it is that you are never alone! You may own your own business, but there are so many people who want to help you! We have a training blog, a Facebook page, coaching calls, plus tons of other support. We all want to succeed and are truly a team. 
I urge you to check out the awesome opportunity! Each Tuesday night at 9:00pm CENTRAL time, there is a FREE webinar that goes into detail about Shaklee (it's about one hour long). All you have to do is register, click on the confirmation email and sit back, take notes and enjoy! Click on the pretty lady below to register! 

Please email me with any questions you may have. I can't wait for you to join our team!
Here's another video for ya!