
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Who Am I?

My name is Nicole and I live in Tucson, Arizona. I am a 29 year old stay at home mom. I have a two year old little girl named Delaney and a chunky little boy named Brody who was turned one this past April. I also have two step-children. My step-daughter, Kaylie is 14 and my step-son, Daylen, is 11. We have an enormous mastiff named Opie and a mutt that we found in Rocky Point, Mexico named Sandy. LIFE IS NUTS!!!

I was a teacher for 5 years before I had my daughter and decided to stay home. I have a WONDERFUL husband that supports me in everything I do, but still makes me laugh until I pee! When I was student teaching in a kindergarten classroom, Eric's (my husband) son was in the class. I didn't ACTUALLY meet Eric until the following school year. AT the end of my student teaching, my mentor teachers and new friends helped me get a job teaching first grade at the same school. To make a long story short, Eric's son, Daylen was put in my class (by his mom:) and I met him at Meet Your Teacher Night. I didn't think anything of it at the time, but after the first week of school I decided that I needed a night out! Who happened to be at our favorite club? Eric!! I talked to him off and on throughout the first semester and by the time Christmas came, we were dating. We kept it a secret from most because we didn't want Daylen knowing while he was in my class. After the school year, the secret was out and the following April, we were engaged and then married in October that same year. Delaney was born the following October and then Brody 18 months after that. CRAZY!!!

Eric works as a superintendent for a custom home builder and I stay home with the kids and blog, blog, blog! BK (before kids) I loved reading and I just like to get a shower by myself:)

I love to blog and I hope that you can find some humor in my stories!