
Friday, January 2, 2009

The new me

So we are now into the second day of 2009 and I have decided that this is going to be a good year. So, I introduce you to the new and improved Nicole. Upon many, many, many reflections about myself, my life, my family, my relationships, etc., I have come to realize that I need some "tweaking". Here it is.....

For the coming year, I will be more positive! I promise. It doesn't sound like a hard thing to do, but man is it. I will be more proactive in my friendships. I know that I have let many go by the wayside and I am sad about that. I will love my husband's guts out. He does a lot for our family and I know that it is not usually recognized. I will be a better mom. I love my little girl and I will remind myself everyday that she is a blessing and that this time goes by super fast. I am going to be a mother of 2 soon and that is scary! I will do everything I can to make sure that I am a great mom for both my little munchkins. I will be a good role model for my step-kids. Being a step-mom is hard, but I want to be good at it. I will renew my relationship with God and the church. Eric and I have going more lately and I am learning so much through the books and devotionals that I was given at Christmas. I will keep up with my housework. One of my favorite phrases is- It's easier to keep up, than catch up- boy is that the truth. I will learn to make more dinners. I will bake more cookies and desserts. I will wear aprons. I love aprons. Why haven't I worn them before? There are a few that I have my eye on and as soon as I have this baby, it's apron time. (Eric thinks that I need to wear something other than sweats with the apron though, so I guess I need to work on my stay at home mom wardrobe). I will exercise. This one is hard too. Luckily, I have a friend who will whip me into shape (as I sit here with a Coke and Chips Ahoy chewy cookies). I will be a better sister to my brother and sister. I will make time for them. I am already a great daughter :) but I am sure that I need to work on something there too. I WILL get a job! Whether it be medical transcription or working in the church- I will relieve some pressure financially from Eric. I will clear my e-mail account. The number is outrageous! I will play with my dogs and get outside more! I will be happy:)!!!!!

There are a million more things to list, but I think that I have my work cut out for me this year with this many.

I expect this year to be great. We will travel to Colorado and see my mom's long awaited movie. We will have a baby shower. We will have a baby boy! We will have family of 6!!! We will accomplish goals. Eric and I will hopefully be able to go on a honeymoon after three years! We will have a busy, busy, ORGANIZED (see the positive:) year.

So, HI- I am the new '09 Nicole... pleased to meet you!


  1. Considering I'm partial to ANY NICOLE - I am happy to meet the new and 'positively positive' Nicole.

    My favorite quote of the month: "Your life is an occassion - rise to it!!"

    And that's what it sounds like you intend to do! So proud of you, mom.

  2. Nicole, I love this "NEW YOU"! You can so do it! And frankly, we can help eachother reach those goals because I myself have many of the great job taking the first step! You go girl! To a very positive 2009 and new babies! :) Love ya!
    Ami +3

  3. Totally with ya sister! Just remember to take baby steps. Oh yeah- and that we still love you no matter what. : )


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