
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Fun in the Sun!

So I believe that God decided that I needed to be more of an outdoors person and thus created Delaney. She LOVES being outside. I wouldn't mind so much if she wouldn't try to eat rocks every minute and the dogs didn't run her down. Needless to say it is not relaxing. She is so cute when she's out there though. She points to her swing and says "shing"! Plus she runs everywhere now. No more walking for this child! Anywho... I thought I would share these pictures of her enjoying the amazing weather.

Here's her "shing".

This is the water table that Nana and Granddaddy got her for Christmas

Filling up her cup...

Having a little drink....

And finally the "AAHHHH" and she actually says that. She says after EVERYONE drinks though:)

Gotta love her....

******Baby update***** I went to the doctor today and was 3 centimeters dilated already! She said that I will probably have him in the next 2 weeks or I will be induced the week of Easter!!!


  1. What a cutie pie! I can't believe Brody is almost here. Where did the time go? Maybe I can swing by this weekend and see you guys for a bit. I hope you and Eric are doing great and I miss you guys! Give Delaney a big hug from us and I'll call you soon!

  2. I think Ethan and Delaney would get a long great! Ethan loves to be outside and eat rocks!! She's such a cutie, she will be a great big sister! Don't stress too much about having number 2, you'll be fine, I promise!


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