
Monday, April 13, 2009

Watering Plants & Easter

I thought that these pictures were too cute not to post. When my parents water their plants and Delaney is there, of course her helpful nature comes out in full force. She loves water, she loves outside and my parents indulge this.

I loved Delaney's Easter dress this year! I got it as shower present and I was thrilled that she fit into it! She doesn't sit still for more than 2 seconds, so pictures are hard to get, but here are a few.

We went to church on Easter Sunday, but my Delaney decided that she would rather be outside, strange! My dad got tired of chasing her and asked if he could use one of their buggies! He pushed her all over the place until Eric went to relieve him. I thought it was hilarious. She definitely runs the show.

This is the buggy that she loves!

Eric enjoying church!

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