
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Here are some random pictures from the last two weeks...

I love this little guy...

She's gotten a lot braver! She jumps off the side now!
She thinks she's swimming in the tub!

This is Delaney's first picture! We had to put it on the fridge!
Brody loves his baby
This is Daylen and Delaney hanging out with the little man

Aunt Danielle and the little Mikks
This is after rubbing her plate full of syrup in her head... awesome.


  1. Brody is so adorable! I can't believe how big he is already! That movers and shakers class looks so fun, do you take Brody? I think I'm going to look into it for Ethan, he needs some place to burn some energy off!!

  2. I love the picture of Delaney with the syrup in her hair! She is so adorable!!!

  3. Okay so that last comment was from me! Jenn W.


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