
Monday, November 30, 2009

DONE, DONE, DONE! (It's long, sorry)

IT'S WORKING!!! For the time being, my computer has decided to bless me in the way of actually turning on! Super! I wanted to post the pictures of our 'car picnic' because I thought they were so cute! So here they are:
The Mikkelson Men
The girls... it was seriously cold.
Brody Man chillin like a villain
My kids... Kaylie, Delaney (on her lap), Daylen and Brody
I LOVE this picture!!
Delaney is wondering why her mommy didn't pack her a heavier jacket... whoops!
Our 'picnic'... Delaney was so excited to sit in the back with the big kids!

She loves chips and loved feeding them to her very patient big sister!
Brody wanted to drive!

At the Cookie Place...

I love this little man.....

The rest of the evening consisted of decorating the Christmas tree. When we put the tree up this year I don't think we thought through how DIFFERENT it was going to be. Delaney was walking last year, but she wasn't AS BUSY. This year, she is the freaking energizer bunny. The second Eric pulled it out of the box, she was saying, "oh wow! Wook! Big chee!!!" And it hasn't stopped since. We showed her how to put the ornaments up and she quickly fell in to suit. She loaded all the ornaments on one branch over and over and over again. Thank goodness Daylen and Kaylie were there to help. Brody decided that he needed to crawl this weekend, which added a new stress level to my life, but he is adorable doing it! I love the pictures of the tree. It is not exactly what I pictured this year though. Last year Eric and I went to Kmart to snag some awesome after Christmas sales on decorations. Our plan was to have a fancy tree, with ribbons and bows, and a family tree, you know the ones with all the other kind of ornaments on it. Not only were we going to have 2 trees, but we were going to have 2 NEW trees. Funny how things don't work out. Anyway, I have started the decorating and I am learning it is quite a feat with a toddler and a baby running around. I finish perfecting something and Delaney idea of perfection somehow differs from mine and she usually wins at that point. I can only fix it so many times. As I am writing this, I had to pause because I heard some clanking coming from the other room. As I turned the corner, I saw 2 toddlers (I am watching Braydon today) completely UN trimming the tree. So now I must go and re-decorate the tree.

Helping Daddy with the big chee.

Kaylie playing with the little kids

Eric getting the tree ready. (BTW I am trying to figure out if I like the pictures with or without the flash. This one is without)

Delaney putting up the ornaments, Kaylie holding Brody
Delaney getting some direction from her big sis
Daylen helping Delaney (without flash)

With flash

Daylen really wanted these to be next to each other:)

Brody helping

And THAT marks the end of National Blog Posting Month!!!!
30 post in 30 days!!!!!!!
It was definitely a challenge, but I loved it! I will continue to update daily, but probably not weekends. Thanks for all the support and comments! I love them!!!

PS. YAY AMI!!! We made it! Awesome job!


  1. without flash, definitely without flash. The shots look so much more magical.

    I'm actually sad that you both are done with NaBloPoMo. I looked forward to everyone's daily updates.


  2. congrats on finishing your 30 days! i enjoyed reading your updates :)

  3. The tree looks great! The kids helped decorate my fake tree (I have a tree with keepsake ornaments and we get a live tree for the kids and rec room)Saturday night, and even though the decorating was stressful, the end result was beautiful!

  4. Great job! I loved reading your updates!! We were up on the mountain on saturday too, it was freezing, we were in a cabin and I don't think we went outside once!! Your Christmas tree looks great, I haven't braved that one yet...with Ethan and Malia I think it's doomed!!

  5. Congrats on your 30 posts!!! Also, your tree looks beautiful - what a fun day!


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