
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Change Is In The Air

I am super excited. And I mean SUPER excited. Patricia over at Mahogany Made has completely made over my blog! If you are a blogger, you know how exciting it is to change things up and if you are not a blogger, you are just going to have to take my word for it.... IT IS SUPER.

SO that being said... I am not totally sure when she is installing the new template but let me tell ya- it is TOTALLY different than it is now! I hope that you all like it as much as I do! I will be working on it as I get used to it, so it may be a bit chaotic for awhile (hmm... weird, chaos, me?)

It is still titled 'A New Normal' BUT it has a super cute header that totally fits me and a button! Yep... you can grab my button (dirty sounding;) and I hope that you do!

So be on the look out...

That being said, I just want to say that I am way excited to continue our family tradition of walking through Winterhaven tomorrow night. Delaney will be hilarious, I can picture it now, she will be yelling (that is her only volume these days) "Wook...wook Mommy, wow! Wights!!!" And yelling "BRRRRR...TOLD (cold) Laney told". Brody will be sleeping in the stroller, Daylen will be on his scooter and Kaylie will be helping us.... good family fun. CAN'T WAIT! Oh, and my mom will be there too!!!!

***Updated Friday morning: I was so excited to go to Winterhaven that I didn't check to see when it actually started. Yeah, it starts tomorrow. Crap. Looks like we are going to go watch a snow storm at the mall instead and so Winterhaven next Friday!**** I feel cool.


  1. Congrats on your new format! I can't wait to see it!
    As for Winterhaven, that sounds like a blast! Have a good time, but stay warm!

  2. lovin the new layout! we'll be going to winterhaven next weekend too but we'll be there saturday. can't wait to hear how it goes :)

  3. The header is great! Can't wait for the button too...

  4. Your Blog is beautiful!
    Found you and am following through MBC!! I too am looking for new reads and follows!

  5. The new layout is TOO COOL! At least you can be assured I can't copy you now! :) I'll add your button to my page today! Good job!


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