
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Time To Par-Tay!

Every year, Eric's family has a Christmas party. Each year, it is at a different house and we all do the drawing names thing. This year it was at my brother and sister in law's house- Kevin and Andrea. I volunteered to make a cake because I need to keep practicing for that bakery and donut shop Eric and I are going to open one day (hahaha lol)The day started out a little nuts and continued that way. I went to Michaels for some last minute fondant coloring and then had to make the cake, decorate it, get the diaper bag together, get two kids dressed, make sure two big kids are dressed, get husband moving and oh yeah- throw something on myself. I have come to the understanding that the days of gettng ready by myself and for longer than 5 minutes are LONG gone!!!

I wasn't super happy with my cake,but I was happy with my daughter. She looked super cute in her trendy boots and sweater dress. We arrived at the party and to my dismay, people were heading outside. I tried my best to keep Delaney in, but those that know her, know that it NOT an option. Sure enough, there she went, right to the plaything. I almost forgot, her boots- BRAND NEW. Eric was 'watching' her. He watched her go up the dirty, wood ladder and slide down the dusty, dirty slide. I am TOTALLY fine with my kids getting dirty, but NOT when she is dressed up and NOT in brand new shoes. The shoes.... black (they started pink).

Anyway, the party was great! The kids got some great stuff including a Radio Flyer Tricycle for Delaney from her Uncle Kevin and Aunt Andrea that brought tears to my eyes. 

Here's the cake.... Rudolph inspired!

BEFORE outside!!!

Rough and Ready... that's Delaney


  1. Holy Cow I am so friggin jealous! That cake is too adorable!! I totally want to be a super dooper baker! I hope it tated as good as it looks.

    I feel your pain with the boots. Ansley went through that phase. Now she is super prim and proper. I know that Laney will be a rough and ready girl. She was wrestling a stuffed animal yesterday.

    She is a real cutie, even with dirty boots! :)

  2. I love the cake! and the shoe thing? My lil guy is crawling so the toes of any and all shoes are scuffed and dirty. :)

  3. gorgeous cake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Love the cake, where did you find the figurines? And Delaney still looked cute even after getting dirty. Hopefully the shoes will become pink again, even just a little.

  5. You made that cake? Wow. That is so impressive. It's absolutely gorgeous. Someday, I'll learn to decorate cakes. "When the wee ones are older" as I seem to say about everything.

    And the getting dirty? Yeah... men "watching" the children. I know how you feel!

  6. THat cake is incredible! I'm jealous...and you're hired for Brett & Drew's next bday cake! Too bad Brett's party was just last week :( Although, his actual bday is tomorrow...think you can whip something together. Just a small 4 tier that'll serve 300 ;)


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