
Monday, January 11, 2010

The Many Faces Of Brody

A minute old...

A day old.....his poopin face

5 days old.....sleeping face

6 days old..... his where the hell am I face.

2 weeks old.... his gassy face

I came outta where?


What the heck is that and why is it looking at me?

I am cute...

You funny!

Why did my mommy put this hat on me?

Seriously, you funny!

Hey that's me!

I just peed...hehe

I am one messy baby!

Mommy makes silly noises....

Ugh...I think I might puke!

 I am freezing my baguettes off...

Yeah, I'm a stud......


  1. Every single face is adorable!

  2. So SO SO so cute. I especially love the "what the heck is that and why is it looking at me!" So funny.

  3. I just saw him today, but the pictures made me want to drive right back over and squeeze the little man! So much personality in that little face!

  4. He's so darn loveable!! Love the faces!

  5. I can not believe how fast the time is going!!!! He is so dang cute: ) Hopefully we will see you soon!!!

  6. These are so cute, I love the captions! Have a great week.

  7. Boy, is he cute! These pictures bring back memories.

  8. I love your captions and the gassy face! LOL!


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