
Saturday, January 2, 2010

What Do You Mean By Save?

First of all, Happy 2010 to everyone! We started the year off by tearing down Christmas crap decorations and then ended the day at the park with all the cousins while they drove their awesome new HUGE power wheels. My mom was nice enough to make dinner for us and what better way to end the start of the New Year than with Mexican food? I am supposed to be trying to think more positively this year so I am not going to think about the fact that the year started with my camera breaking (8 months old thank you very much-awesome) but I am going to focus on what Eric and I are going to be doing differently this year to help our 'money situation'. So here is a list of things that WE are going to be doing:

  • Starting yesterday, we are going to be tracking what we spend everyday for a month. The spread sheet that we have is broken down into a bunch of different categories that range from utilities to fast food or sodas. This way we can see what we aren't remembering when we sit down and try to figure out where the money went.
  • We will be transferring account information onto a budgeting website called The Mint. It will track our spending when we are finished with the spread sheet and show us whether we are on budget or not.
  • We will start a budget. This one is the hardest for us-not because we can't stick to it, but because Dave Ramsey says that you need to be current on all your bills first, we are not quite there yet ;)
  • We will be getting rid of the movie channels. First of all, they suck. Second, they suck!
  • We will be tranferring our bank accounts to USAA. No more stupid bank fees from B of A
  • We will be menu planning on a regular basis. This used to save us so much money and I am not entirely sure why we got away from it.
  • I will get back into the Grocery Game.
  • I will be working from home at night and starting an at home business sometime soon. I will also get back into studying to do medical transcription from home.
  • I will be getting rid of the newspapers-every day but Sunday.
  • We will try to only run the dishwasher at night.
  • I will try to stay on top of the laundry (once I am caught up) and ya know only wash a load once instead of like 3 because it sat for so long.
I know they say money doesn't buy happiness and I do get that. I know that I am blessed in so many ways, but money does buy peace of mind in some ways. Eric and I pray that this year will be better money wise, and we are going to live by the motto-"Don't wonder where your money went, TELL it where to go."

P.S. Hopefully I will figure out to get the pictures off my camera- I hate not having pictures!


  1. You can do it!!!! We can menu share if you want. I NEED 2 get back to cutting coupons. Sigh. Find strength in numbers: )

  2. Wow-you are organized! Can you help me too? LOL!


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