
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Where do they learn this stuff?

As I sit here exhausted from ANOTHER long night with Brody, I am also amazed. My kids are now 2 and 9 months! I think back to two years ago when Delaney was just a little baby- a couple months old- and how much she didn't do. Now, she is a full functioning toddler. Then I think about Brody. Just one year ago, he was sticking his heel so far up my rib cage that I would fight him to get it down to relieve the pain. My belly was round, my face was fatter and my head was swirling with questions on how I was going to do it all. Now I know... I can't. But something that I just realized is that I CAN look at my kids everyday and see how far they've come. It is remarkable. I find it fascinating how they have fallen into their stereotypical roles of 'boy' and 'girl'.

Delaney loves to wear cute clothes. Yes, there are many times when I have to take the galoshes off of her, but other than that, she is excited to see what she is going to wear. She loves to have bows in her hair and have her nails painted. Recently, she has been obsessed with dolls- "beebees" as she calls them. My mother-in-law bought her one when I had my baby shower for Brody and she has started a nice little collection. The funny thing is, I never taught her how to hold a baby or play with a baby- she just did it. I know that watching me with Brody helped, but she is so adorable with them. She got a kitchen from Santa and she has taken on the roll of cooking all sorts of goodies for us. Sure, she shoves the spoon down Brody's throat and he gags, but she is sharing right? She is a girls girl on one hand and a tom boy (one word?-Ami?) on the other. She can be in her cutest outfit and be in the garage with my dad and Eric looking at the gogocycles (motorcycle in Delaney land) or looking under the hood of a truck. I think about the hospital with her big ol lump on her head (she had a pretty good size hematoma (sp??)) and how scared I was to have this new baby and now I think- Holy crap- she is such a little girl. She is stubborn and independent, but she is not a blob- she is hysterical and caring.

Such a girl, but such a tom boy....

One of her many beebees

Sitting on top of the house... always testing me:)

Then there's monkey man. Brody came into this world somewhat unplanned and I am so thankful for the best surprise ever. I was so nervous about having a baby with an 18 month old, but when he came out, it was instant love. Now I can't believe my life. There are aspects in my life that I would give anything to change, but having my living room a mess because of toys everywhere is not one of them. Brody is a boy. "Duh" right? No, I mean he is a BOY. This child loves cars and trucks. The natural instinct that he has to scoot across the floor pushing a car is amazing to me. I didn't teach him that! He loves cars! He also LOVES doors. He loves to open and close them(I have a towel hanging over the top so he doesn't smash his fingers). He likes to see how things work- like the washer and dryer for instance. If I need a second to do something, I turn on the washer or dryer and he will just sit and watch it (hmmm....that doesn't sound like the best activity when I write it down:). Brody wants to walk- he gets up on his walker and takes off across the room- usually chasing Delaney or the ball. That's the other thing- he actually plays ball. He will sit across from you, get onto his knees and throw the ball to you while belly laughing. It is the most amazing thing! And the funniest thing- turn on some music and the little man will boogie. I have to post a video- it is so funny! He is 9 months old for crying out loud. I can't believe that just over 9 months ago, he wasn't even here and now I almost have 2 walking kids! Seriously, HOW do they learn all of this?!

Pushing his truck....right before he chucks it across the room.

Playing ball by himself- he throws it at the wall and it comes back to him. Funny!

He's up....

He's on the move!

I can't wait to see what the next year brings....well I sort of can. It is so sad how fast time goes. I want them to stay little. Stay little but pee in the potty and sleep all night:)


  1. I just love your posts. It helps me to slow down and enjoy my kids a little more. Sometimes I'm so busy that I forget to do that. Wait til he's really walking, it's a whole new experience. Jason started on Christmas day and life hasn't been the same since.
    Have a good day!

  2. Oh that was sweet!

    We have that House too! And I agree about the potty - just pee already!!!! SO tired of diapers!

  3. The boogie thing I would like to see...
    Now some comments on your comments:
    1)You do not suck at writing. Believe me, I would not be here if you did. I enjoy your posts-it helps me thinkg back...

    2)Cake decorating for me is just slopping the icing on-that's it. I don't have the patience for anything else. You will have to show some pictures of cakes you decorated!

    3)I e-mailed you instructions for a blog roll. You should be able to move your new gadget around so it's where you want it on your page. Just give me a yell if you have trouble and I'll try to help you.

  4. They certainly aren't 'wall flower' sit-in-the-corner kind of kids! They are full of personality and opinions and will always keep you on your toes! That's a Blessing!!

  5. Just look at her face sitting on the house. She looks like she is saying "what are you gonna do about it?"

    I'm amazed at where the time goes, and how quickly they change. Sniff. Must be why I find myself thinking about more! Yikes.

  6. is amazing to see what they do and what they learn. Your kids are illegally cute.

    Anyhow...I found you MBC in the follower section. I am not following you. Please follow back if you would like. I am also doing two awesome giveaways. Have a lovely weekend. ~Juliana A Blonde Walks Into A Blog

  7. Hi again. I tagged you for a "10 things that make me happy" meme. (If you got this before, don't worry...)

  8. Award for you on my blog...don't worry, this one comes without strings!


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