
Friday, February 19, 2010

Could I BE Any More TIred?

I don't know if that question makes much sense, but that is the kind of sense I have been making lately. Seriously.... I have not slept through the night in at least a year! Towards the end of my pregnancy with Brody, Delaney starting having sever night terrors so I slept on the floor in her room, 8 and 9 months pregnant, pretty much every night. Then of course Brody was born and he STILL doesn't sleep through the night. He gets up at least twice a night. NOW...Delaney is back to having night terrors. In the first couple hours of her sleeping she starts screaming "Oh no" and "No Mommy". It is so sad. And THEN, at about 2:00 in the morning, she wanders into our room, gets on our bed, and just sits there and stares at us. We have one of those beds that you can jump on with a glass of wine and it won't spill, so we don't even feel here. All of a sudden, I will wake up and she's looking at me. CREEPY! So, my kids have a sleeping issue. The issue is that they DON'T. With Brody, we have done the cry it out thing, the gradual thing, the EVERYTHING. It just doesn't work. So, you see, when the kids go to sleep, I usually do too, which is why I can't even do posts regularly. I SO SEEPY! I know that I have 3 awards that are waiting for me to  acknowledge and I haven't even done that!!!! I will I promise! Eric and I want to go to a hotel for a weekend....not for a romantic weekend, but for a sleeping weekend. How sad is that?

***BTW*** On the right side bar I have a new link to my new website. Eric and I are beginning to take Juice Plus and I am now a distributor. This stuff is awesome! For those who know me, you know that I would take a Taco Bell taco with lettuce in it and call that my veggie for the day. I don't like vegetables and I don't eat many at all. I know that my diet is suffering and I need to eat healthier. The Juice Plus capsules have ALL the 17 fruits, veggies and grains, in their raw form, that you need daily. It is the ONLY FDA evaluated and approved nutritional supplement (I did not know that vitamins were not regulated by any one). The capsule help with SO MUCH! The Juice Plus Complete shake is awesome too! I started using it as a meal replacement a couple months ago to start losing weight after the Brody man and it is what kick started my weight loss. Delaney has been taking the gummies for a few months now and she has not gotten sick!!! She had a low day when we all had the flu, but that was it! Plus her hair has grown like 4 inches! The cool thing is....if you take the Juice Plus capsules....and you have a 4-18 yr old, THEY can get Juice Plus gummies for FREE for 3 years. It is part of a children's study. This stuff is great! I am only a distributor because I can get it wholesale that way (super easy to do btw).  I really want to spread this info. It is an easy way to get the nutrition that you are missing! It is not necessarily cheap, but I love how it says that it is $1.50 a day which is LESS that a gourmet cup of coffee. When I thought about it that way, there was no question about buying it. So, I just thought I would share. If you are interested, let me know. Check out the website and then email me! Thanks for reading:)


  1. Come take a nap out here, hint hint :) talked to dan about the Juice Plus and we may just go for it. I'll let you know for sure next week $$ :)

  2. Gosh, that situations sounds familar!!!!I'm so sorry they don't sleep! I know how you feel. Ethan STILL doesn't sleep thru the night, has night terrors all the time and comes in our room everynight. We have tried EVERYTHING, and just kind of gave up so we could get some sleep. Malia didn't start until she was about 11 months old, but now she's a great sleeper, hopefully that will happen with Brody, just sleep when you can, and don't stress if your too tired to get the house perfectly clean, you getting some rest is way more important!!

  3. Back at you with the tired stuff-I know the night terrors all too well. Hang in there!

  4. You know you CAN always ask me if you want a break!!!!!! I would be more than happy to have extra monkeys at my house to run everyone out of fuel: ) Get some good zzz's!!!


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