
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Day My Life Changed

That day was yesterday....3 years ago. My friends, Ami and Mary, and I drove to New Mexico to visit our friend, Anabelle, over Rodeo Break (yes, if you are not from here...the kids get 2 days off of school for the RODEO!). Anyway, we made the drive up there and had a great first night! The next day, Friday, we went to school with Anabelle (she is a kindergarten teacher:). It was fun to see another school, plus we all got to help out in the classroom-nothing like having 4 kinder teachers in one room! That night I was zonked. I was so tired and I thought that my stomch felt strange. We had some mudslides and Ami was getting annoyed with me saying my stomach felt weird and said..."Oh my God....just go take a pregnancy test already!" Turns out, she had one in her purse. At this time, Ami was trying to have a baby and hadn't gotten pregnant when I asked her how long it takes, she very quickly replied, "It usually takes about 3 minutes for it to say f*** you." Huh.... I thought that was very clever. I went upstairs because I didn't want an audience and closed the door. I could hear them outside, thinking they were being so sneaky... and I remember my hand was shaking. It was shaking so bad, that I peed on my hand! As I yell to them this overshare, I look down and not 30 seconds have gone by and the little screen says PREGNANT. OMG. Still shaking, I went out of the bathroom, looked down and saw Ami, Mary and Anabelle staring up at me and I very wisely ask, "Is there such a thing as a false positive?" When Mary says no....I say, "Well, then I am pregnant!!!" I will never forget their faces....instantly all three put their hands over their mouths and their eyes welled up with tears. I suddenly felt very hot and got very red. I remember sitting down on Anabelle's couch with a million things swirly through my head. I was thinking about telling Eric, telling the kids, telling my parents (ok really my dad- weird thing to tell a dad), what Ami was feeling, etc. Now I know this doesn't make me mother of the year, but I was pretty tipsy (I didn't know I was pregnant) and didn't want to tell Eric over the phone, while I had been drinking, that I was pregnant. So we came up with a plan (really THEY came up with it, I was just frozen with shock). Ami figured out what my due date would roughly be and she made a calendar with the month and on the day it said special delivery. She also made little picture frames that said, I Love My Granparents, I Love My Aunt Danielle and I Love My Uncle Josh. The next day we went to the mall and the girls snuck into Old Navy and bought me 2 onesies and a bear. My first baby gifts!

That Sunday, we drove home and my heart was pounding. I knew Eric would be excited, but it is still a scary thing to say out loud....I mean you are changing everyone's lives that are close to you. We got home and I immediately called Eric upstairs to tell him. I told him that he needed to keep Nov open and he asked why, so I gave him the calendar. He read it and totally got it! He was so excited!!!!! He couldn't keep it from the kids so we told them right away too (I was very nervous to tell them) and they were excited! I believe Kaylie said, "It better be a girl". Then off to tell my parents. I don't know why, but I was SO nervous about it. Not to tell my mom, I knew she would be excited, but to tell my dad... he'd know....ya know;) We give them the frame that says I Love My Grandparents and in the middle it says 'picture to be inserted Nov.2007'. My mom didn't really read the fine print and thought it was very nice that their new step-grandkids were giving them this frame. I told them to read the fine print and I will never forget my dad, "No it was immaculate conception then". And by this time my mom was crying and was calling everyone she knew. We called Eric's family to tell them and then it was on to the rest of the world.

That trip was special. It was the last time we went on a trip without babies in our lives, it was a moment that I will never forget, it was the day I realized that my life would never be the same again.

Here I am, just a few weeks pregnant....freaking out!

Mary, Me, Anabelle, Ami
The memories....

ps. Here are the blogs from 2 of the ladies (Mary doesn't have one yet)

Ami (she finally got her wish to have a family when she became pregnant with triplets)
Here's her blog:  The Best Things in Life Are Three

Anabelle's blog (all about the adventures of her little Jaxon)
Here's her blog:  Keeping Up With The Pearsons


  1. This makes me teary eyed. I love this post.

    I have a question about Mary. Did she go to Sahuaro? Is her last name Daniels? If so, she was good friends with one of my closest friends.

  2. Three years ago yesterday?? Really? And now here you are TWO miracles later! Blessed! Blessed! Blessed-- is what you and Eric are! (And have you EVER seen a prouder Granddaddy than your daddy?)
    Love, Mom

  3. AHHHH yes. The infamous pee changing stick that creates high blood pressure and stomach pains. Yet brings a whole new meaning to the words "love" and "joy". (totally smiling Nicole!)

    Yes Arizona Mamma: ) I work with her too, such a small world!

    And Nicole I don't know if Mary will be the blogging momma... we can HOPE!

  4. so sad i missed that trip and your life changing pee stick! damn pink eye... i was just thinking about that trip today and how it was only three short years ago and all our lives were so different!

  5. OMG! Nicole, I loved that post! I totally got goosebumps all over again! Isn't it weird how you can remember something that happened 3 years ago like it was yesterday? That was a fun trip! Who would've thought 3 years later there would be 6 kids among us! Crazy! And I have to say, it definitely sounds weird that I carried pregnancy tests in my purse! Oh the days of infertility! What misery turned miracles! :) Yes, now it's Mary's turn for sure!

    Arizona Mamma- yes, she is Mary Daniels! She's my sister! Who is your friend? :)

  6. That is cool, and way better than when I found out about being pregnant with James. I was working at the movie theater in NM (what is it about that state:) and John was off at basic training. I had felt nauseous and was late by a day, which I never am late. Went to the bathroom and sure enough. Talk about weird but exciting all at the same time.

  7. That was a fun trip! Your face on the top of the loft hanging over the stairs as we looked up at you was even more priceless. Shock mixed in with happiness : ) The words "comfy clothes" and "Friends trivia game" come to my mind about that trip!

    I can't believe how much can change in three years!

    I'm curious to see who Arizona Mama's friend is...

  8. What a WONDERFUL story!! Thank you so much for sharing!!!

    TRIPLETS!! Oh my! Going to check out her blog now!


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