
Monday, March 15, 2010

Big Butt or Thong?

I feel like I have been out of the loop forever! I haven't done a post since last Tuesday, I haven't really even had time to read any other blogs, let alone comment on them! Ugh! Super busy!! First let me say a HUGE thank you for all the sleep advice. To be honest, we haven't tried any of it yet, this past week has been a little out of the ordinary for us. I am actually happy to hear that we are not the ONLY ones that have had sleep issues. It makes me feel a little bit better about my parenting skills...not much, but still a little. This past week I got myself into a situation that turned out alright! I took my cake making skills to a different level by taking on 3 in one weekend. Stupid? Yes...but I was up for the challenge! It would've been a piece of cake (ha ha) but I somehow forgot about the two (sometimes 3) little ones that were constantly pulling on my pant legs, eating, sleep (yeah right) and changing diapers, playing, showering, etc. Eric was great...he helped me out a lot and my mom rocked! She totally played with the kids while I got it all done. I only have one picture today...the rest are on my sister's camera and I will post them tomorrow!!

This is the Mardi Gras cake.

Anyway...I finished the cakes, delivered two of them and then went home to get ready for the third and a night out with Eric! As I was getting ready, I had the most random thought. See, I was planning on wearing this new dress I just bought (for $16 btw at Wal Mart) and I was thinking I wear a thong or big butt chonies? And if I wear big butt chonies, do I go with the never failing, always comfy maternity chonies or slightly cuter ones that are a little see through so the threat of butt crack is always present? So, I decided to go with cute big butts, and risk the butt crack shot, I figure it would be less scary than seeing the whole enchilada like what would happen if I was to wear a thong. So then I get to the bra situation. I own 1 bra. Yep ONE. Okay, really I guess I own 5, but FOUR of those are nursing bras! NOT SEXY! My bra is supposed to be white, but it is dingy gray, and has hair dye stains on it and is way worn out! While looking at myself in the mirror with my mis-matched undergarments, I was less than impressed. I wondered how many people actually have matching bra and chonies. That would cost a fortune! Don't get me wrong, I would love to have that, or at least a couple pairs, but right now I don't.

So, I put on my dress and we leave. Eric, not surprisingly, asks what kind of chonies I am wearing. I tell him big butts- he gets this horrible look on his face and says, "Seriously, you are wearing your maternity chonies all saggy and everything under your dress?' I say yeah and he's like alright then. Typical. We go to the shower and have a blast and end the night at the Cactus Moon with my sister and Joe and Eric's brother and sister-in-law. We have SO much fun when we go there. He is such a great dancer....and doesn't mind when I screw up-which I ALWAYS do! This last time he was spinning me and my wedding ring cut the crap out of his finger! There was blood all over the place. case you are wondering (which I am sure you are all on the edge of your seats with wonder) I changed into jeans (and NOT big butt chonies) before we went. So there it is. My first post in a week and it's about underwear.

What is your chonie preference?


  1. Thongs for sure. Though I will admit that with my lack of laundry doing (SURPRISE, I KNOW) I've had to pull out 5 pairs of big butt chonies this past week! Furthermore, I think the only time I've ever matched bras and panties was on my wedding night and maybe one Valentines day...otherwise, never. :)

  2. i hardly have any undergarments that fit me any more so i totally feel your pain! i'm adding bras to the list of things i officially hate!

  3. As long as it covers that's all I care about. And I haven't bought new undergarments in forever. I think I still have the same bras since high school:) No colors in my wardrobe.

  4. Hey Nicole!
    I was at the party you made the Mardi Gras cake for! How funny. I had commented on how awesome the cake looked. Did you make a "zebra" cake and 100 cupcakes for a party last Friday?
    Small world.


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