
Friday, March 5, 2010

A list

I have been thinking about how I don't stop to 'smell the roses'. I am constantly waiting for each day to end and hoping that I have a small amount of my sanity still intact. I know this is not good. I don't want to wake up one day and have my kids be grown and me wondering where the time went. I just saw a saying that I love, "Parenthood: The days are long, but the years are short". So I started making a list of things that I have noticed today..... eye opening:)

  • The bees are EVERYWHERE in the backyard.
  • Brody giggles like crazy when I look at him and say..."I'm gonna get you"
  • Delaney plays with her tongue.
  • My backyard smells like old, dirty pee (thank you dogs)
  • When Brody belly laughs, his whole belly shakes like Santa Claus
  • My shower is really slimy
  • I must fold my arms a lot because that is all Delaney does now.
  • I need a makeover something fierce
  • Delaney has my eyes
  • Brody walks and it is the cutest thing ever
  • My wedding rings need to be cleaned
  • My stretch marks on my butt seem to be getting deeper
  • I had chocolate milk and cake for lunch
  • My kids make each other laugh
  • I go through a CRAP load of diapers
  • Opie's tail is not healing super fast...he chews it and it bleeds
  • I miss Eric when he is gone
  • I am obsessed with my blog
There is WAY too much that goes on in one day....thank God  I get to live it:)


  1. Your list is funny! You've got the good with the bad, and you know what? That's exactly how it is. Smart lady!

  2. It's okay to have a little 'manure' spread among the makes the sweet stuff that much sweeter. Love you. Mom

  3. You know...I'm feeling obsessed with my blog too, and I am not loving it.


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