
Monday, November 22, 2010

Just A Little Bit of Brody

Here are some pictures from the past couple days.... he cracks me up.

Brody is ALWAYS sitting on Opie. He is a good dog.

He always has a car in his hand and I am sure that he is watching Toy Story 3 because he is obsessed!!

This was today while I was getting lunch ready. It was too quiet, so I peeked around the corner and saw this. The best part is what the bean bag is on....

That's the mini-tramp (yes in our living room, I have no class).

I love this little man.


  1. Dude! That's good stuff! I don't know which is my favorite...the bean bag on the trampoline or Brody on Opie! Hilarious!!

  2. Oh, the sweet, sweet picture of a little boy and his pony...I mean dog. He's got the most kissable cheeks.


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