
Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving Pictures

Thanksgiving was a blast, exhausting, but fun. Here are a bunch of pictures from our day:)

Brody watching the train set that my grandparents brought. He loves trains!

My princess watching the choo-choo.

Mimi (my grandma) and Brody man

Mimi and Delaney

Brody and Nana having a moment.

That is the barrier protecting the turkey fryer (or I guess it would be to keep kids and dogs out).

Brody upset cuz he can't touch it- look at that look!

He's over it. He loves to slide, but his new thing is to put his cars down it and yell, "Set....Go" and he makes the most hilarious face!

This is the face:)

My baby girl.

Turkey #1 is done!

My Granddaddy and Brody

I love this one....

Ignore the hair and beads and check out the nasty look. Delaney says he is "beary mad"

Delaney having Thanksgiving on the coffee table, watching Caillou!

Happy family (although we missed Josh and Rachel)!

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