
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Chatting with Delaney

My child never stops talking. She even talks in her sleep (totally freaks Eric out). Lately, it has been insane. She always ends up making us laugh like crazy. Here are a couple recent conversations with the little girl:

1.  Delaney:  Eric, you are stressing me out today!!!
     Eric: I am stressing you out???
     Delaney:  Yes, you are totally stressing me out right now.
     Eric: Wow, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree huh?  (Whatever is he talking about?)
     Delaney: Yes, Daddy, that's right, I fell from a tree.

2. This conversation occurred after she went for her 3 year well check and received two shots.

     Me:  What happened at the doctor today?
     Delaney: I got big blood (that's what she calls an owie)
     Me: Why did you get big blood?
     Delaney:  Because. Because the lady put cold stuff on my arm and then said "Whoooop" and then
     she shot me two times and then I get band aids.

3.  This conversation was after one of our MANY discussions on who is actually in charge here

      Me: Delaney, you need to stop. I am tired of this.
      Delaney: No YOU need to stop. I am tired of this (yeah, talking back at 3, sweet)
      Me: No, you don't talk to me like that. I am the boss.
      Delaney: No, you are not the boss, you are Mommy

4.  This one was just cuz she 'has personality' as my mother puts it

     Me: Come here honey!
     Delaney:  Mommy, don't call me honey. I Delaney Grace Mikkelson.  (The way she says that, melts my  heart)

Today she helped me with my Christmas Village:) I can see a new tradition starting!


  1. you know, some days i can't wait for henry to start talking... but then i think about what he may say and i think, maybe i CAN wait :)

  2. WOW! Let's not get Delaney & Jaxon together. They are the same person & we may go crazy with both of them talking at once!
    I call him Dude sometimes and he says, "I not dude. I Jaxon Joe Pearson." Well excuse us!
    Too funny!

  3. I'm thinking we need to get Michael to cast her in our next movie -- she's got the attitude of a star in the making and the girl can strike a pose!
    xoxo mom

  4. ha ha love it, Ethan talks back to whenevery I tell him to stop he turns around and tells me to stop it, gotta love it!


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