
Monday, June 13, 2011

Hello there! Random post #1

So I have been quite the sucky blogger lately. No real reason... just lazy, I guess. As I write this, I am watching Brody take all of the books OFF the bookshelf, stack them on the TV cabinet and then try to transfer them to the ottoman. And even better, he just brought the Jenny McCarthy book Baby Laughs and points to the baby and says, "Mo, what dat? Da bebe's butt?" I am pretty sure that he will now be obsessed with that book now. I spent the day cleaning up after the weekend, especially because Eric informed that it looked like "a bomb went off in our house" and now I am taking a break because I'' be damned that the same freakin mess that was "bomb like" this morning, is back. I give up. SO I thought I would just post some random pictures from the last month or so.....

They remodeled the park near my parent's house so we met some friends to check it out! It is awesome! I love all the shade! It is a little nerve wracking though. There is a playground for 5-12 year olds and one for little ones. Delaney wanted to play on the big one and Brody on the smaller one. It was slightly disconcerting to not have them both in my immediate sight.
Delaney on a strange stationary pogo stick thing

Sporting an awesome band aid due to a semi-serious owie.

Climbing up the huge slide.... seriously gave me heart attack.
Brody really wanted this to be a slide.
Braydon and Delaney climbing too high for my liking.

Brody talking to little Lincoln.

The kids love to ride on the hand me down quad... we only have one so this, they actually share.

We took Brody to his 2 year well check and when we left... he had turned into a little boy.


There is really not an explanation....

We love our friends we especially love when they call and say, "Come over for dinner, bring nothing, and we have beer and tequila." Off we went to spend the evening with Courtney, Ian, Braydon and little Charlotte.
I love that Delaney is wearing wedge, pink sandals and is playing baseball.

Pitching to Braydon

The men

Brody's favorite thing to do is find a truck, figure out how to get it on a slide,
watch it fly down and then repeat.

Eric holding baby Charlotte. Makes my uterus skip a beat. I got a little twinge. Maybe time for another:) Ha.
Seriously though, so cute.

Such good times with good friends. We are so fortunate to have them in our lives!

This is random day one.... to be continued:)

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're back on the blogger beat...even though I see the kids all the time, I love to see the moments captured in pics...
    xoxo Mom


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