
Friday, November 4, 2011

It happens....

At least that's what I tell myself. Today has been a day. I should have known it was going to be a doozy when the moment I walked downstairs this morning, the playroom was trashed and the kids were screaming at each other (Eric was up with them, don't worry).

I am a stay at home mom. Yes, I sell Premier Jewelry and do jewelry shows outside of the house, but my first job, my first priority is being a stay at home mom with my kiddos. I feel very fortunate that I get to stay home with them each day. Is it easy? Hell to the no! It is exhausting from the second I wake up until they go to sleep, and a lot of times, in the  middle of the night!

Today, was not my finest parenting day. But it happens (right??) Today, I realized it was 10:00 and they hadn't eaten breakfast yet. They had been snacking on some friut- they each eat an apple like an 80 year old man, but they hadn't had breakfast. Usaually, we eat at 8:30 but 8:30 came and went with screams and kids playing outside in the cool morning air. It's always enjoyable to look out the screen door and see your son using his front loader tractor toy to scoop up dog poop while your daughter is the roof of the playhouse- in their jammies. ALthough I must say, we had a lovely time playing with Delaney's Strawberry Shortcake dolls. We were dressing them, doing their hair and then Brody would take one and put her on a train or on T-Rex. Good times were had.  Around 11:30, I realized that lunch needed to happen, mainly because Brody kept asking for dinner. I made them the standard, dinosaur chicken nuggets, ranch for dipping, applesauce, pretzels and cheese. They both climbed into their seats and I realized that I had homeless children. Seriously, I should have taken a picture , but was so horrified by the black crap all over their face, that I just washed them off as fast as I could. At this point, I also realize that we are all still in our jammies and not one of us had brushed our teeth. I pulled Delaney's hair back into a low ponytail because it is so full of apple, banana, ranch, that I couldn't even get a brush through it (should be fun later).

Riding her bike, in her night gown.

He kept getting stuck in the bucket and the arm of the chair.
After lunch, I decided to jump in the shower really quickly and get dressed. Now, when I say dressed, I mean I put on my "cuter" yoga-ish pants with a comfy shirt, put my wet hair in a ponytail and slapped on some make-up. It was nap time- the kids weren't dressed, the house looked like a bomb went off, I hadn't done anything.

A little play room action- yes, the couch has been moved.

Even Tinkerbell got the wrath of Brody today. We looked everywhere for her.

Not rotated, but you get the idea. Stuck in the drawer pull in the kitchen

Back to the playroom.....even their play kitchen was moved closer to the front door because that is where you "come in to the store"

 It happens. Getting the kids to sleep for their nap today was exceptionally difficult.   At one point I was sitting in
Brody's room with my head bowed, my hands folded and was literally praying for patience and peace. Brody thought it was hilarious and was mocking me, but I think God felt bad after that, because he literally fell asleep.Boom- out. Like someone pressed his pressure point or something. I had to check him to make sure he was breathing. God is good:)

During their nap, instead of working on my Premier stuff, folding clothes, or cleaning, I got a plate of cut up apples, a ton of peanut butter, some chocolate milk, and I sat on the couch, turned on Christmas Vacation and got cozy in a blanket. I know all the chores will be waiting for me tomorrow and I know I can't go another day being so lazy.
But, it happens.....


  1. GOOD FOR YOU my friend!! You are right. Those days definitely happen...maybe a little more often than we like to admit, but oh well. I'm so glad you curled up and watched Christmas Vacation. I KNOW that can make either one of our days better! :) And yes, unfortunately, the chores will wait for us. Sigh... :)

  2. Sometimes those are the best days! Who needs to get dressed everyday?

  3. totally agree! when we are on break, i hardly ever put on "real" pants. whoever invented sweatpants was a genius and i am forever in their debt :) btw, the pics are so cute!!!

  4. I had that day yesterday! And what was so funny today was that I had a high school friend call me out of the blue and asked if he could stop by (it was noon) I told him he was lucky that I had had a play date earlier that morning (Jenny Rienstra & Lara Gaskins) because normally I am not showered and the house is not picked up...can't imagine what it will be like when Brinley can add to the messes : )

  5. Love it! We have those days ALOT, probably way too much. Somtimes Adam will be almost home and I realize that no one is dressed yet, so we hurry and get dressed. Ethan always asked if someone is coming over or if we are going somewhere because he says that's when we get dressed, ugh, oh well. Sometimes we just need days like that =)


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