
Friday, November 18, 2011


I have nothing interesting to say tonight. I have ideas for posts, but tonight I just don't have it in me. Today involved Target, Michaels, refereeing, visiting a dear friend in the hospital, stories in bed and finally vegging out on the couch with the hubs. I know, I suck.... and I am sure that my mom is the only one who will be bummed, so I am not sure why I care so much, but I do.

So, that was a lot of rambling so now I say, good night all.

Here are some random pictures:

Opie chillin

Yeah that's Opie, still on the couch, but notice that his hind legs are on the ground

The new favorite activity in the house
Like the socks, the pants and the shirt. Matching isn't her thing.


  1. My day consisted of pj's for me and Brinley till 1:30, a load of laundry and a visit to the hospital...even more boring than your day! But it was fun at the hospital, we always have some good laughs together!

  2. I care, Nicole!! I know the feeling when it comes to blog a days....just know that even a photo brightens our days! You're doing a great job! Don't give up! And yes, I too am grateful for the hospital laughs. Always a good time.

  3. Yes, don't give up!!! I look forward to it! Thanks for coming to see me! It totally lifted my spirits. Who knows, maybe all the fun we had made Reese want to join us earlier :)


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