
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Turkey Day 2011

The kids are sleeping, the kitchen is clean, Friends is on TV and I am in my sweats. Doesn't get much better than that. We had a lovely Thanksgiving today. The day started off with our traditional Monkey Bread breakfast while we watched the parade. This year, however, I had some help making the monkey bread. The kids did a great job working together!

Rapunzel and Spider-man showed up to help.

Lots of sugar....

Getting ready to put it in the oven!


The finished product.

While the monkey bread baked, we all watched the parade. This year they were really into it. Each balloon that went by they ooooed and aaahhhhhed until the next one floated by. Each marching band that they saw, they marched along with them. We ate the yummy monkey bread and waited for Santa to roll onto 34th street and when he did boy, the kids went nuts. They are so excited to see him!

After a nap and a bath, the kids, Eric, Eric's dad and I all went over to my parent's house for some seriously yummy food. The weather was perfect so we ate outside on the patio. After dinner, the kids watched Monster's Inc. until they were too tired to keep their eyes open so made the long drive back down stupid Houghton and went home.

The lovely table for our terrific meal

Delaney got to eat on the nice china. It's Peter Rabbit and it's so cute (no my parent's china is not all Peter Rabbit, I am not sure where this came from, but I think I am supposed to).

Brody did not get to eat on china. He was also not allowed to sit in a regular chair.... we know him well. He didn't care too much though.

Delaney trying to convince Granddaddy to do something

My sweet little messy face boy

My little ham.

What a blessing our lives are. I am so thankful for Eric and our family. I am so thankful that Eric's dad, at 86, drove from New Mexico to spend the holiday with us. The kids were so excited to see him. Even though I do not love where we live right now, I am thankful for a roof over our heads, food in our kitchen and clothes on our back. I am thankful for good friends. We are so blessed with our extended family who love and support us no matter what we do. I am grateful for our church and what is has taught us and our children and love knowing God's love for us is never ending. What a wonderful day. I am really trying to be grateful for what we have when something is going wrong. I heard that it is impossible (like physically or mentally) to be grateful and stressed at the same time. So I choose grateful. I pray that your holiday was a lovely as ours and that you choose to be grateful in a stressful time.

Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had a great Thanksgiving! And I think you are going to have to teach me how to make Monkey bread : ) I'm thankful for our friendship!


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