
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Christmas- part deux

Christmas Eve came outta nowhere. Like for real. As much as I thought I was ready and full on told people that I was totally done shopping and wrapping and ya know, pretending to be Superwoman.... I wasn't. But at a certain point, I knew I could do no more. Christmas Eve morning, Delaney and I went to my mother-in-law's house for our annual baking get together. This was the first year Delaney got a chance to help out. I have no pictures, not sure why.... but still a good time.

Church was at 5:00 that night. Of course we end up sitting behind the one scrooge in Tucson... so Brody was hacking a little bit- so was the lady right next to her and she wasn't giving her dirty looks. And yes, when Brody tells us to "be quiet" he is saying in a voice that is just below a yell, but it's Christmas and he was excited. I think he dropped his cup half a dozen times, sat on everyones lap in the family and had a crap load of popcorn, but that's okay. He's two. Delaney sat with Kaylie- she misses seeing her sister more. When it came time to light the candles, I get all teary eyed. I literally memorized the moment realizing that they will never again be 2 and 4 on Christmas Eve. My moment was cut short because Brody was on the verge of catching my mom on fire with her candle, so I had to think fast. After church, I made everyone brave the cold weather and take a picture, cuz that's how I roll.

Waiting for the service to start with Mimi and P-Paw

Telling Kaylie that he sees Christmas!

My family.

After church we always go back to my parent's house for chili and White Christmas. This year was a little different because my dad was on a trip, but got to come home Christmas Eve! My mom went to pick him  up while we ate! I wish I had gotten a picture of when my dad walked through the door. He was still dressed in his uniform (airline pilot) and Delaney says, "Wow, look it's pilot Granddaddy!" She was so cute! Anyway, while we were at church, one of Santa's elves left some cozy Christmas jammies for the kids so it was time to change into them, but not before I snapped some pictures because I just loved Delaney's dress and I know that I probably won't be able to get away with dressing her like this for too much longer.

A little dark, but I love this picture!

Joe, Danielle and my little nephew in there

Our kiddos:0)

Kaylie and Me

Mimi and the boys
My grandparents with my kids
Mimi with all the girls (except mom)
Daylen and Brody

Delaney in her new Christmas jammies. I love this picture.
Brody's new face- constantly.
My kids with my grandparents:)
Eric and the kids throwing the reindeer food on the driveway

Christmas Eve was a success. When we got home, we put on a pot of coffee and finished wrapping presents and Eric being the great dad he is, stayed up until 2:00 am putting together Brody's Santa present:)
I love it.


  1. looks like fun! i hope there is christmas part three! :)

  2. Oh how I hope Reese lets me dress her in dresses like Delaney's!
    I love Brody's new face. Full of happiness :) Gotta love 2 year olds!


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