
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Are You Prepared?

I'm a planner. I enjoy making schedules, making lists, preparing for whatever may come way. For example, in Vegas (almost exactly 4 years ago) I wanted to narrow down activities that we were going to try and accomplish and then schedule accordingly. I decided that using suns and moons drawn next to each activity would be an easy way to identify each one and then plug them into the correct day/time (ex. M & M store = sun, Margaritaville = moon). I am still not understanding why this is amusing. Anyway, I like to be prepared. I am my father's daughter after all and if you know him, you know he likes a plan. Nowadays, I know a lot of people who are starting or have an emergency kit. Whether it be a 72 hr hour kit or a 30 day kit- whatever. I think it's an awesome idea!

When I received an email asking if I would like to review a certain product, I knew it would be right up my dad's alley. He is all about food storage and I know a lot of you are too. If any sort of natural disaster were to occur (probably not as likely in AZ) or if the electricity were to go out or if you lose your job and don't have much money for food, this product if for you. With a shelf life up to 25 years.... you can't go wrong.  You have to check this out for yourself! I have not gotten some samples yet, they are in the mail, but as soon as I do, you better believe I will tell you all about it!  Their mission is to empower every family to have food security in the case of storms, natural disasters, or even financial crises like shrinking income or the loss of a job   Here's the link.... But wait!!! They have created special family preparedness offers for MY blog readers. How cool is that!!! Make sure to check out this link I can't wait to sample some of this food, so check back often to see what we thought:)

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