
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Gettin' Clean!

I am SUPER excited about my new stay at home mom adventure that I just started. I am proud to say that I am a Shaklee distributor. Shaklee is the #1 natural nutrition company in the U.S. The products are broken down into Healthy Nutrition, Healthy Weight, Healthy Beauty, and Healthy Home. In addition they have a Healthy Baby section and Healthy Water. After obsessing over reading many blogs for years now, I finally decided to try the products. While scouring the website, I felt a tugging on my heart saying that maybe I should look into the amazing opportunity that Shaklee offers. Eric and I talked it over and after talking with Bonnie from  House of Grace, I knew that this was for me. I love finding new products for my family that are healthy, safe and actually work. Now, if you know me, then you know I actually love to clean and organize. Seriously, I used to go to friend's houses and help them clean! The Healthy Home products from Shaklee are A-MAZ-ING. Seriously. The other thing that you may know about me is that I am cheap  frugal. I love a good deal. When I first read that because of the super concentrated formula of products such as the Basic H would actually SAVE me money, I knew it was for me.

My starter kit- I was so excited:)

Oh and check it out. I know this may not be the MOST important factor when choosing cleaning supplies, heck it may not even top your list, but look at how stinkin cute the packaging is! I mean come on, who wouldn't want to open the cabinet under the sink and be greeted by this adorableness. And yes, I realize that it makes me a bit of a weirdo that I like the way the cleaners look, but at least I can admit it.
The window cleaner made with Basic H

I guess I should probably tell you that in addition to being uber cute, they actually really work too. The Basic H is a 16 oz bottle that can make a degreaser, an all purpose cleaner and a window cleaner (just to name a few). To make window/mirror cleaner you just fill a spray bottle (you could even use one from the dollar store) with 16 oz. of water and then drop in TWO DROPS of the Basic H and BOOM- ya got yourself some kickin cleaner. Don't believe me? Well, let me prove it to ya.

We have two dogs and two little kids that feel the need to make the back door as gross as possible. Did I mention one of our dogs is a Mastiff? See, they drool. A Lot. And when they shake their heads after a drink, spit and other disgusting things fly everywhere. This backdoor was the beautiful before:
That's right- dog slobber galore. Oh and hand prints, smudging the dog slobber.

Then, I had Delaney and Brody clean the window for me (remember the products are totally safe):
So clean- Sandy walked right into it.

Here's my mirror in the kids bathroom. I may have a child who really likes to decorate with water....
please remember I kinda blow at photography and I didn't want to be in the picture at all, cuz I was still in my jammies, so yeah, just look at the picture:)
Not blurry- really dirty

Much happier. This post was just to introduce to Shaklee and to let you know that it's now my business. I am super excited. If you are looking for a stay at home job, I sincerely want you to check this out or email me. Shaklee has been around for 50 years- ask your mom or grandma, I bet they have heard of it. I will showing you different products and updating you on my business (I am sure you want to know the 'real facts' about it- I did).

Until the end of May- like we're talking Thursday people- you can become a member of Shaklee for FREE- that's a savings of $19.95. You WANT to do this. Trust me. Just go to my website, check it out, if you have question about the products, email me, and then with purchase, you get a free membership. Starting June 1st, it will be $19.95 so HURRY!!

And here's a picture of the kiddos, cuz I love em

On quite the sugar high and exhausted from swimming- notice Brody's expression:)

Happy cleaning!!!

Oh and you can follow A New Normal on FB now!

1 comment:

  1. the glass cleaner is truly impressive. I want non dog drooling windows too. I'm going to order some...


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