
Monday, July 23, 2012

Books A Plenty

We are slightly 'space challenged' right now. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the challenge. The challenge of figuring how to make our stuff fit and make it manageable. Plus, I can daydream about Tanque Verde Manor and it makes the smallness fade a bit. The littles share a room in this house. We went from each kid having their own, big, room PLUS a huge playroom, to one room. PERIOD. It's tough. They have a lot of stuff (more than they should) and they do actually play with it.

One thing that we do not have a shortage on is books. Being a former kindergarten teacher, I have accumulated quite a library. In each of our previous houses, it has been no problem finding a place for them. Here: PROBLEMO. When I say no room, I mean no room. The ultimate decision was to put them on the top shelf of the closet. Not so convenient. Plus, if I'm being honest here, I don't look at them either. We took the closet doors off which made them more noticeable (obviously) but still, they aren't getting much love. 

Well, Pinterest to the rescue! I saw this suggestion a bunch of different places and finally made it up to IKEA to make the big $3.00 (maybe $4?) purchase. I had my handy, dandy husband put up the spice racks, turned bookshelves next to each kid's bed. I love it. Totally convenient and cute! I decided to keep the natural wood finish because it matches their bunk beds. 

Brody's bookshelf- he really likes Curious George

Delaney's bookshelf

Totally out of the way, but very convenient:)

What do ya think??

Do your kids share a room? How do you deal with the clutter? 

Don't forget keep in touch even more on Facebook


  1. I always see those cute shelves on Pinterest too!! Way cute! Good job, friend!!

    1. Why thank you!:) Easy to do when you have Pinterest and Eric:)

  2. That is Genius!!! We have far too many books as well, but I don't have the heart to donate or get rid of them. I'm still trying to get the Handsome to put up shelves for the DVD player next to the TV, so I'll probably not hold my breath for spice wrack book shelves in the near future. But truly... genius.

    1. Lol! Well, thank you~ I wish I could take credit for it, but I can't! It is quite handy to have them right there next to the kids. I feel ya...I can't get rid of them either!


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