
Friday, July 6, 2012

Shiny sink in da house!

It's been about two years now since I discovered the FlyLady. I shined my sink and still have to have a clean kitchen before I can go to bed. However, since making the decision to "go green" and since I have found Shaklee, the way I shined my sink changed. This sink is pretty beat up. We are renting right now this sink has been a pain to clean and keep clean. So when you see these before pictures-you will freak. To my defense, it was under the dryer basket and I didn't really see how nasty is was, but wow, was it gross!
Omg...seriously embarrassing.

I needed to disinfect the sink, but I did not want to use bleach. So, instead, I used Basic G. I filled up one side of the sink with hot water and then put 3/4 oz. of the Basic G (it's not a very deep sink). I decided to do the other side at the same time-the kids were asleep and I knew I didn't need to use it. Then I let it sit for an hour.. {cue Jeopardy theme song}

Then that exciting moment came- the time to drain the sink and with all those nasty germs twisting and turing down the drain like a mini-germ infested tornado.Then came the work. I brought out my trusty Scour Off- now this is the stuff that replaces Comet or Ajax. I simply use a sponge, rub it all over the surface and rinse it off. This stuff is amazing. It actually got rid of the black scuff marks! Did I mention that it you can clean with this without getting high? Ya can! It's made from cherry pits- it smells yummy! My friend's son actually ate some of this one time and when she called poison control, they said there were no ingredients that were harmful! That my friends, is one awesome cleaner. After the Scour-off was rinsed off, I simply dried the sink with a paper towel and put my cute little soap dispensers back and voila! A beautiful, clean, sanitized sink!

Oh yeah baby.... that's right.... so shiny:)

The FlyLady always says to jump in where you are- and she always tells you to shine your sink (btw, when I say that, I actually say, "shine your shink". It's kinda hard). Starting the day with a clean kitchen just starts your day off right. I really get annoyed when dishes magically appear over night. It puts me in an instant bad mood. I seriously get excited to clean! 

Here are a couple before afters, cuz who doesn't love those?

So try it- I triple dog dare you- shine your shink;)

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  1. WOW...I am suitably impressed. Gonna have to order some of that stuff...

  2. Yikes... I'm kinda glad we don't have that her in SA - I'd have a chronic guilt complex... luckily my kitchen is only 8 years old... Doesn't sound as good as the 5 years it was before I actually counted. Erk. Looks like I'm going to have to get scrubbing.

  3. This just motivated me to clean my sink! Thanks for that! :)

  4. It's Party Time over at Debt Free Mommy Blog and you are invited! Please come link up anything related to making your space better at and mark your calendars for every Making Space Mondays linky party. The fun begins at 9:00 pm tonight. Hope to see you there!


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