
Friday, August 10, 2012

Baby Safe and Aunt Approved

My sister was given a bouncer for Griffin that was in need of some TLC. It had not been used in a while and when she asked what I would use to clean it, I said, "No! I want to do it! And blog about it!" So that's what I did. I went over to her house one day (which is on the street behind me) armed with my tool kit.
Isn't it cute?? $2.00 at Michael's!

Right away, I went to work. We needed it cleaned and disinfected. Griffin is putting EVERYTHING in his mouth that he can, so it needed to be cleaned, safely. Enter Shaklee. I sprayed Basic G all over it and let it sit for a couple minutes before I wiped it off. 
If you want to know about the awesomeness of Basic G and how it kicks bleach's butt, click here:) And then come here. 
Then I used the Basic H (I just used the all-purpose cleaner- which is made with 16 oz of water and 1/4 tsp of Basic H) to get into all the cracks and crevices (that's what she said:). Anyway, we were really fortunate because the toy parts actually come off, so I was able to clean under them as well! 



Milo chilling while I clean

He likes watching his Aunt Nicole clean....
and we are not getting high with the chemicals! Win-win!

Seriously-it's so clean!

This is a before (duh) and I didn't get a good after because he was already in it!

I am happy to report that the bouncer looked brand-frickin-new. And Griffin can chow on it all the live the long day

He's amazed. He's thinking, 'Wow, this is so clean and it doesn't smell like disgusting chemicals, I don't feel all loopy, I love Shaklee, my aunt is the coolest person alive, I think I pooped in the clean seat, I want to eat this." I have a little known talent of reading minds....just sayin'.
Ta-da! All clean and he's a bit uneasy about the unstableness (is that a word? well it is today) underneath him, crack me up. He's like- Whoa. 

For those of you who want to read minds of babies as well, order some Shaklee here.
Okay so you may not be able to read minds exactly, BUT your mind will be a lot clearer without all the yucky chemicals. 

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  1. Cute. Funny. Informative. You can come and clean my house with Basic H and Basic G and your handy dandy little tool kit. Just sayin'...any and all dirt here is available for you to get rid of.

  2. Thanks so much sis for cleaning it for G. He does love his Aunt Nicole soo soo much!

  3. Nicole, you're going strong. You're 3 for 3 with me today! It's like you just keep getting funnier!! I really do need to get some Basic G. Cuz I use the crap out of my Basic H already. Well done on the bouncer. I really was very impressed because my first thought would've seriously been, "Throw it out, we'll get a new one." But you totally showed me up! It was so purty after you attacked it!


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