
Monday, August 6, 2012

Reunions and Preschool

What a weekend! Eric had a reunion this weekend which we got to go to! It was a blast! It was held at a local resort and included a cocktail night and then the 'fancy' night. Friday my mom came over to watch the kids and we went to the cocktail party. It was fun to see all of the people Eric used to hang out with. Eric is 15 years older than I am so it's fun when people ask me when I graduated and I tell them 1998- a lot of the times, they don't really have too much to say:) The party ended early and we ended up at a little deli/bar that one of Eric's classmates owned. There were a ton of people! We went home that night to reprieve my mom for a bit and Saturday headed back up to the hotel at noon. We just hung out at the pool all day, talked with old friends and drank some beers. That night was the 'fancy' night- I seriously have no idea what it's actually called. Eric and I don't get dressed up too often so this was fun. There was dinner, dancing and a slide show that was hilarious! Seeing all these people with feathered hair and short shorts (the boys) and the girls with the high waisted jeans was fun!! So different from when I was in high school! 
It was very sunny, lol. This was Friday night

Best guys around! Eric, Jeff, and Ronny

This was the fancy night!

The view from our room!

My mom stayed with the kids (thanks Mom!) so we picked them up around noon on Sunday, took them home, put them down for a nap, and relaxed a bit.

 This week is a big one! Delaney starts preschool! We have been promising her a "special" day to go out and get her school stuff and today was that day!
It started off in Nana's car (which is always exciting) with me in the back seat with her! My grandma, Mimi, came with us too! 
Cheesy smile

We went to good old Target to look for a back pack and unfortunately there was slim pickings. I realize we are a little late getting a backpack, but this is when we had time:( We quickly found a cute backpack and lunchbox that matches. I could not get over what we were doing. There she is, just picking out a backpack- not to load with crap and cart around the house, but to take to school! Unbelievable. 

Nana showing her the one cute one left. Seriously, check out the bare bones behind them.
Love her. (Both of them actually)

She looks so big!

After we found her backpack, it was off to get some shoes and an outfit. She picked out some super cute pink and gray tennis shoes and then led the way to the clothes. She was so cute! We don't usually get to go shopping without Brody so this was special. She definitely has opinions now! My mom and I would hold up a shirt and she'd say, "Ummm, no thanks". Mimi picked out a super cute dress for her and Nana found some adorable outfits too! 
Leading Mimi to the shoes
She liked this one.
Almost too big for this section....

We hurried back to my mom's for dinner (Eric and Brody were meeting us there) and Delaney really wanted to show P-Paw her new loot. 
Showing P-Paw her new stuff.

I can't believe how big she is. I never understood why kids going to school was always such an emotional thing, but man, I get it. I get it big time. I don't really want her to go. 
I am going to miss her so much. 
But, that's okay, it's not about me, it's about her. It's about her growing up, becoming more independent, learning how to make friends (okay, she already does that), sitting at a table with kids her age, listening to someone other than Eric or me, and just about her becoming Delaney Grace Mikkelson and blossoming into what God wants her to be. 
So I just have to let go. 
She will nail it.

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1 comment:

  1. The Bunny was very lucky... or maybe it was me... but our Pre-School registration deposit included a school bag, school shirt in their class colour, a lunch box and a juice bottle with their symbol on it, all their stationery for the year and a cup and towel for their bathroom. Now that I think about it... this is probably why the fees are so darn high!


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