
Thursday, August 16, 2012

War On Debt!

For those of you in Tucson, we would love to see you at this event! Dani Johnson was once homeless and is now a multi-millionaire! She is truly inspirational! I am merely a facilitator of this class- we will be watching her War On Debt video. Trust me when I say that there will be NO judgment of any kind if you come to this event. Some people have approached me saying they are embarrassed about their debt. Here's the thing- MOST people (not all) but MOST people have some sort of debt. War on Debt simply shows you a way to get out. Now. Eric and I are doing this and we are kicking butt! We will not talk about how much debt we all have (unless you want to)- it's just a video (but a rockin one).

I urge you to think about it. If you can't make it, but still want the information, you can click HERE and it will take you to the site where you can purchase the program. It's worth every penny. 

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