
Monday, September 17, 2012

Mikkelson Manor : The Great Outdoors


I have never been the outdoorsy type. Don't get me wrong, when someone says it's so nice out, let's do something outside....I am all for it. Put me next to pool with a margarita in my hand and call me Indiana Jones. But, when it comes time to planning the outside of Mikkelson Manor, I have my opinions. We will for sure have a pool. I am in love with two features that I have calmly and non dramatically expressed the need for to Eric. He agrees that they are awesome and we will make them happen.

I love this! I love that there are no just walk in like a beach.
And this....this doesn't really need explaining. It is awesome. I will be having parties a lot. I can imagine the seats being used as mini diving boards, but I am willing to push past that issue in order to make this happen.
Now let's look at two ridiculous pools, so when Eric reads this he will know that I am not over the top with the pool. I mean come on, I could want these:
See, I don't want that much.
Now on to some random things:
I am absolutely in love with this stamped concrete for our patio. We will have stained concrete throughout the house, and I feel like this would work well.
I think this is so clever and so easy! Cute little table that can be used all the time or when I, I mean we, have all those rockin parties.
This is another clever idea! It can fold up when we are not using it! Love.
I really like this fire pit/seating area. Yes, when I first glance at it, I see an accident testing to happen. One of the kids, or me, will fall and bust something open, but it's just so lovely!
I thought this was super cute! I also think its kinda disturbing. It's like all the kids are waving and then we just set them on fire. What is wrong with me?
I'm not sure what ur tree situation will be like,but I love this. It would be such a nice place to hang out and read. I wonder if my Internet would reach? That would be a lovely place to Pinterest.
Seriously, how gorgeous is this garden? If I close my eyes, I can picture myself in my cute shorts, with my awesome gardening boots on with my hair blowing in the wind, with an ice tea sitting on a small table while I pick my fresh fruits and veggies for dinner that night while the kids place in harmony.
And then I open my eyes and snap back into reality.
Now the next picture is make those of you who know me go, "say what?"
I know, it's weird, but I want chickens. I didn't say I want to take care of them? That's what I have Eric and the kids for. don't want to eat them, I want to eat their eggs. Wow, that sounds so gross.
Yes normally I'm all......
But in this case, I want chickens and look how cute this coop is
We would make it bigger, but I love the herbs growing on top!
So there are a few examples of what the outside of Mikkelson Manor will look like...on a AZ backdrop of course!
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1 comment:

  1. Whahahaha... That pretty coup will not be so pretty in about three days of having chickens! And make sure it's WELL away from the house - stinka!
    I love the fire-pit seating area! Yum! I've always wanted one of those. There's something about sitting outside by the fire...
    You should be posting 'this is how we're doing it' pics. :)


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