
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

You Up For The Challenge?

I have a BIG challenge for you. You may want some piece and quiet for pretend you have to go to the bathroom and close the door. Now, I want you to close your eyes and think. Think about where you are right now in your life. Are you content? Are you disappointed? Are you overall happy, but maybe there are some things you want to improve on? This self reflection should be eye opening, it was when I did it. My friends, there are four months left of 2012. I know personally, that I want to start 2013 in a better place than I am in now. So here is my challenge.

It's called Project Transform.

I have a BIG goal of helping 50 families change the health of their lives over the next 4 months. Could that be you? Could that be your family? Could that be someone you know? Are you (or someone you know) tired of being tired, have no energy, in debt, eat horribly and are just plain sick of it? I am learning that for me and my family the little changes have big impact.

Are there changes that you and/ or your family have been saying they need to make to be healthier? What are you waiting for? If you are like me, then you get overwhelmed with this sometimes. Too many decisions. So, pick just ONE area of health to achieve in the next 4 months.

I promise your life will change

Here are some examples of what I mean:
- Stronger/ more muscle
- Thinner/ leaner
- Wealthier/ Debt Free
- Stringer immune system/ Less illness
- Chemical Free Home
- Schedule/Routine
- Better Nutrition

This past year, Eric and I have been working hard to get rid of debt so we can build our dream house with only a mortgage! I now work from home so I can create a full time income so when both kids are in school, I can still be home for them every day.
That goal will continue throughout this next year, but I have added another goal (I know, I broke my own rule, but these I can do simultaneously) My new TRANSFORMATION goal is to lose 15 pounds and complete the couch to 5K training.

To achieve these goals, I need accountability. Others around me to cheer me on and encourage me. I need YOU!

I also need a specific action plan. I will talk more about this soon!

90% of success is simply doing it.

Important: Be goal many pounds do you want to lose, how much debt will you pay off, how much muscle will you pack on, switch all ALL toxic cleaners, etc. Then BELIEVE and increase your personal development. Read books, watch videos, hang out with like-minded people.

So, I don't know about you....all I know is I am ready to feel better about myself and pay off some of that debt and get running!

Join me for a healthier YOU! Who will join me in the challenge?

NOW-December 31, 2012
Answer these 3 questions in the comments and LET"S GO!
Step 1: Why do I want to Transform?
Step 2: What do I want to Transform?
Step 3 : How do I want to Transform?

Join our Facebook Community for encouragement daily! I want to hear what you are doing to Transform your life! I want to know if you paid off a bill or got rid of all your bleach or ran for one whole minute without passing out (that's a goal of mine:). It will be a great place to connect with others and get the motivation we need!

I am so excited for this and I can't wait to hear YOUR story!

Become a Project Health MEMBER and get access to our member's only facebook page.
Start changing your way of living, become a Shaklee member today (becoming a member automatically grants you access to our private member's page)!
Free membership with purchase of the Vitalizer!

Are you in?

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