
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Work from home: Q and A

I know, I are done with Shaklee posts, but I have gotten a couple emails about what it is I do and I haven't taken any pictures of the kids this week. Bad mommy. I love to post about Shaklee because I love it! I am so passionate about it and we share what we are passionate about right?

I want to address the whole "work from home" thing.

In one of the emails, the lady was concerned because she has a fear of speaking in front of people so she did not want to do parties. Well, I am happy to say that in home parties are not the only way to market this product. I did not want to do any more parties when I started, but have decided that I want my business to grow as quickly as possible, so I went ahead and scheduled some parties.

So how do you do it then? There are a couple ways! A big one, is blogging. If you don't have one, start one! It's easy and blogger is free! I love blogging! It's simple really, you just blog about the products. I love reading other people's blogs about stuff they use. I am totally nosy like that! That is how I found Shaklee. Blogging is huge because you can demonstrate the products and your passion without having to speak in front of people!


Another way to promote your business is social media. Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, etc. This is huge. Like hippo butt huge. You have an audience right just have to use it, but not abuse it. I really love helping people. You would be surprised how many people don't know about your product!

Another statement I get is, "I am not a salesman". Well, neither am I. I am a wife, mom and friend. I don't sell people on the product. I share stories, if they are interested, they choose whether they like it or not. Think about, do you feel like you are selling someone on a restaurant when you say, "oh my gosh, they had the best enchiladas I have ever had!"? No, you are just sharing your experience. If they try it, great! If not, who cares!?

"I don't have time" is probably the number one excuse I hear. I am super busy too! I have learned to prioritize. I do a lot of training (which means listening to Dani Johnson) during the kids nap and blog at night. I have made Shaklee a priority and so I magically have the time. Think about always have time for the things that are important to you. Is making money while staying home with your kids a priority? It is for me, so I have the time for it.

I don't want to forget how awesome it is to NOT have to carry inventory, take credit cards from people and deal with returns! Everything is done online through your website! I am a big fan of this! I really don't have any room for anything extra in my house. Plus, having to return things gets really annoying! Luckily, Shaklee has an extremely low return rate, even with their money back guarantee.

I have this image in my head whenever I get too tired to do some work. It's pretty cheesy, so don't judge! I picture myself, dressed in some cute yoga pants with my Shaklee shirt on, in our new kitchen in Mikkelson Manor sipping some yummy coffee.

. I picture it raining outside and while I wake for the kids to get up, I go sit in porch and check my Facebook and email. Then when the kids get up, I make them some yummy gluten free breakfast (because by then, I should have that aspect under control) and they sit in our cute little breakfast nook and we talk about the day.


Then after, they get dressed, I send them on their way to school (insert tears here). After I clean up the dishes, I go into my office and do some work.
Around luch time, I will start to get dinner stuff prepared and do some cleaning and laundry. Right before the bus arrives, I will make a yummy snack and get the kids homework boxes out. I will be waiting outside with an umbrella (because I love when It rains, it's always in my dream) when the bus rolls in.
We will go inside, eat our snack and I will listen to the highs and lows of their day. Homework will happen next, while I straighten up and wait for Eric. After homwork. I will let the kids play or watch TV while I make dinner and then Eric will come home, play with the kids and then we will all sit down for a family dinner.
After the dishes are finished, showed have ended and kiddos are tucked I to their beds, I will get stuff ready for the next day, chill out with Eric and then check on the kids one last time before going to bed. All while wearing my yoga pants (I say yoga pants because they sound sexier than sweats).


Doesn't that sound awesome? I want that. I don't want to go to work when Brody is in kinder. I want to volunteer in the class, go on field trips, make yummy treats andbe home when they get home. So when I get frustrated or tired and don't want to do any work, I close my eyes and picture that. I want to be where my friend Bonnie is, making $5000 a month, at home, wearing her yoga pants.

So that's why I am so passionate about Shaklee and want to share it! I love the products and the opportunity it gives me.

I hope I answered some of your questions. If you have anymore, please email at anewnormal.nicole{at} and I would love to chat!

And please stay tuned....big blog posts next week. Seriously, you don't want to miss them!

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1 comment:

I totally appreciate you taking the time to comment! I love it! However, I reserve the right to delete any comment that is inappropriate or malicious. No need for that here:) Thanks in advance!