
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Hooked on a Feeling

Today was the day. The day I have been waiting for. I got it. THAT feeling. That feeling that only I would get excited about. It has been a long time since I have had it....

Now that you mind is in the gutter, let me be more clear. I got the itch to clean and organize. LAME right? NO!! I used to live to clean and organize. When I had a problem, when I was upset, when I was just being me, I would clean and organize. Unfortunately, Delaney and Brody have not been bitten by the same bug, so they could give a rat's ass about my itch. This itch NEEDS to be scratched. They don't see the need to entertain themselves all day while I do what I do. Instead, we spent ALL day outside, playing with bubbles and splashing in the water table. BUT, I started cleaning the backyard. I feel big makeovers in the works. Of course, I will be getting creative since we are on a super tight budget, but I don't care. I am back! I am going to start with the ridiculous hall closet, move on to the playroom, then to the kids....AHHHHH. I can seriously hear the angels singing.

Anyway, I just thought that this was THAT important. I had to share:)


  1. Please add my house to your agenda!

  2. You go girl!! Oh, and send me some of your energy while you are at it!! :)

    I'm following you too!


  3. I remember notes, file folders...all CD's in alphabetical order. The girl who got excited to go into the Container store for crying out loud! The girl who wanted a 'flip - n- fold' for her birthday. Just be patient while you integrate the former Nicole with your "New Normal". You'll get there. :)
    xoxo mom

  4. So totally understand. Wednesday I was actually having fun cleaning which is totally weird for me since that isn't me. Glad you're back:) Have a great time. And maybe you could get the kids to help and help them have that itch as well. But at least you can show them what they need to do to make things nice. They'll need it later in life:)


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