
Sunday, April 11, 2010


Spring in Tucson is amazing. I never really appreciated it before I had kids. I always enjoyed the weather, but I didn't really want to go outside. I am just NOT an outdoors person. Flash forward to now...I now have 2 kids that LOVE to be outside. Well, now that Brody walks like champ, I just let them go! They go outside and have a ball. This weekend was perfect. Saturday, Eric worked in the morning and when he came home I went out with my mom and sis to get her wedding dress! She looked amazing in all of them and she actually picked one out. First, bang, boom. I also picked out my dress and Delaney's flower girl dress too.

This is my sister....she is getting maaarrrried (Father of the Bride- love that movie)

Missy, Danielle and me at David's Bridal


NOT PICTURED: Mom, Danielle, Me - I did not get pre-approval from Mom to post the picture:)

Last night, Eric and I were both pretty wiped. Eric mentioned that we skip church this morning to get some of the jungle weeds under control. He got my attention when he said, " And I thought you could sleep in....since you never get too."  Can I get a hallelujah up in here! So the day started off with my sleeping in. Holy crap that feels amazing.

We decided to give Brody his birthday present early. See, I want to pull my hair out right now when I forget to put Delaney's car in the pool area so  they don't fight over it like crazy! So, to save my sanity and hair, we got him a Cozy Coupe....and he loves it.

The big almost one year old!

"Wow...that's mine!"

Splashing in the water!

Lunch outside

Peanut butter and jelly, cheese, grapes, an orange, and juice. Now that's a lunch!

He really loves noodles and cheese

Oh and Delaney likes to dress herself now.

The rest of the day was spent pulling weeds, blowing bubbles, watching the kids play in thier cars and splash in the water table and dance around to the crazy Hair Band station that Eric had blasting. Lunch and dinner were both outside tonight and we are sleeping with the windows open. That's what I love about this time of year.

He likes it too..........

1 comment:

  1. It is an amazing time of year! Our bedroom door is open to the outside now.

    Love all the pictures. They are adorable. And you look great as well!!!! I don't even know what you are talking about when you bag on yourself.


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