
Monday, June 11, 2012

Bring it on- TWO

We first chatted about my gonna-take-June-on attitude in this post. I told you I had more and who am I to lie (all those rolling their eyes right now- shush). One of the many things I have learned through signing up with Shaklee is I needed to have a "life schedule". I needed to schedule things such as meals, naps, grocery shopping, workouts, etc. I had never done this and never really saw the point until I actually did it and saw how much time I had been wasting. I was told that if I want an at home business, then I need to actually treat it as a business. I needed to schedule time for my Shaklee business. I needed to be organized. Ahhh.... I just love that word. I love when I am "forced" to be organized because it always gives me an excuse to buy new binders and notebooks:) And really who doesn't love a new binder? With new dividers and some special time with a label maker?? Goose bumps. Seriously. I have a smile from ear to ear and goose bumps.

Moving along.... I decided to make a generic schedule with all the for sure things I do or need to do each week. And then I laminated it and put it in my binder (which is a post for later)- such an awesome sentence . Then I printed out a blank one and laminated it. This way on Sundays, I sit down with my calendar and write in the specifics for that week. I keep that one on a clip board right under my daily tasks

(source) for printable

I like to make lists and I like to cross things off those lists when I complete them. The feeling of accomplishment when all I see are lines across my to do list is amazing. I was using a lot of paper so I figured out a way to remedy that situation. Not sure why it took me so long, but it did. I even remember saying out loud "duh, Nicole, stupid". Yeah, I have long, deep conversations with myself. What I finally figured out was laminating the sheet I was using and I just erase it each night! This way, I can sit down, look at my weekly plan and fill in my daily to dos . I keep this right on top of the weekly on the clipboard. 

It's amazing how much this little space organizes me:)

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Happy Monday!


  1. I know your Mom says she was there when you were born, but I still think you were adopted ;) Love your organization!

  2. Getting organised is my WORST! I spend hours collecting note books, pretty coloured pens, etc and I still never seem organised - just more cluttered!! What is Shakalee?? I'm from South Africa, so I have no idea.


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