Sunday, October 7, 2012

6 Years Baby!

Six years ago today, I married the perfect man for me! I know how blessed I am to have Eric. He may drive me insane often and we may have very different opinions, but he is my lobster and I love him to pieces.


We are seriously perfect for each other. When he proposed to me, he used two of my favorite songs. I'll Be, by Edwin McCain and I Wanna Grow Old With You, by Adam Sandler-from The Wedding Singer. Yes, I love that song like a fat kid loves cake. Please tell me you have heard it! If not, here is a little sample. Love. This.

He also knows exactly what I love. He has often come home with chocolate milk, Nerds (yum) and gummy worms. He also knows that I don't need a fancy restaurant to be happy.

Anyway, he is amazing. He works hard, he loves is kids and he would do anything for his family and friends. How did I get so lucky?


This was after my dad dedicated, Hot For Teacher, to Eric at our reception. We are super goofy and love to dance.....just another reason why he is the butter to my toast.
I look at this picture and can taste the salt water in the air and see my family and friends there supporting and loving us, albeit while ordering and drinking margaritas during the ceremony, but that makes it even better.

Life may be hard....who am I kidding, life IS hard. We have struggles, we have our "moments" but in the grand scheme of things, no matter how cliche this sounds, I am so happy I am going through this with Eric. Life is good people, and sometimes, it takes looking back as a remonder to enjoy and embrace today.

So, happy anniversary Babe! I love your guts!

If you are interested, here are some other posts about our history!

Memories part 1

Memories part 2

Have a great Sunday!



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